Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Great meeting of Klamath Country Fly Casters club last night at the Dynasty Restaurant in Klamath Falls last night. It was a big crowd attracted by Bill Tinniswood, fisheries biologist with ODFW. He updated us on what is happening with fish in the many lakes and streams from the Cascades to the Alvord Desert in the high desert country to the east called the Oregon Outback. The Klamath Country Fly Casters meet there for dinner at 6pm before the membership meetings at 7pm every third Tuesday, except during the height of fishing season.  :)

Had a flock of Red Crossbills stop by our riverside cabin this morning by to feed on the cones of the Ponderosa Pines. Sometimes they come down to the feeders on the deck or in the yard. Not yet this time. They are an interesting bird and do have crossed bills, very specialized for feeding on pine cones. They are permanent residents in the mountains all around us. They often fly by but you will usually not know they are flying by or even in the trees around you until you learn their call. Then you realize they are more common than often thought.

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