Thursday, March 22, 2012

Went to a meeting today with the Klamath Watershed Partnership today. It was a small committee that is trying to restore beaver in the Klamath Basin. It is mostly for the mountains around us but some of the landowners are interested in having them too. Others are having problems with beaver so we are gearing up to show them some neat tricks, e.g., "Beaver Deceivers", to alleviate most of the problems. In some cases we will need beaver to put into the back-country where beaver have all kinds of good impacts on water tables, fish and wildlife, etc. Problem beaver at the lower elevations can be the source of needed beaver for restocking areas. It has turned out to be a very interesting project.

Lots of hawks and Eagles, including Golden, along Klamath Lake today.

1 comment:

Marshal said...

I am getting the hang of blogging but still have a ways to go on linking this up with other social media.