Friday, May 25, 2012

Good and bad nature news.

This week I discovered that something had gotten into the wild bee hive in one of our owl boxes, torn off the lower side, and there was no sign of live bees on the comb.

Also, a couple weeks ago we found enough Barn Owl feathers to believe that something had killed one of the pair of our Barn Owls. Great Horned Owls would be highly suspect and are known to kill Red-tails and other raptors. We do hear Great Horned Owls occasionally. The good news is we found that one of our owl boxes is occupied by an adult and I can see at least one wobbly half-grown chick through the entrance hole.

There was a pair of Bullock's Orioles coming to the hummingbird feeder in our kitchen window of our cabin, beautiful!! Several hummingbirds have been coming of several species, including a brightly colored male Anna's Hummingbird.

I noticed a Mountain Chickadee on the ranch on Tuesday. They are fairly common here anytime of year and we get an occassional Black-capped Chickadee. You have to get into the Cascade Mountains, about 20 miles west to see the Chestnut-backed Chickadee.

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