Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weekly Synopsis of Birds seen on the Lonesome Duck and the area.

Last Sunday there was a Townsend's Solitaire giving its little one note call on the ranch. We get them mostly in late fall and winter. This time of year they are mostly higher in the mountains (again, we are at an elevation of 4,150 feet).

Monday & Tuesday a Whiteheaded Woodpecker was seen a couple of places on the ranch. Hopefully, it will find a mate and they will be here all summer.

Tuesday night it was calm and pleasant. We slept with only the screen between us and the outdoors. I can often hear fish, beaver, and other things splashing in the Williamson River from our upstairs bedroom. Often we also hear owls, especially Great Horned, and coyotes. This night I got a surprise, a Sora Rail on the river! This is unusual habitat since we do not have their usual marshy habitat on the river close to the cabin. Possibly it was migrating along the Williamson River. We do have good habitat for them in a wetland in our north pasture.

On Thursday a Red-breasted Sapsucker was hanging around our cabin. We also have lots of Pygmy Nuthatches and an occasional White-breasted Sapsucker.

Today I went fishing back in the Fremont Mountains almost 50 miles to a place along the Sycan River. I did not catch any fish, only seeing one small one in an area where they can be over 2 feet long. However, it was a great break into the backwoods and I saw Mt. Bluebirds, Canada Jays, Clark's Nutcrackers, deer, Ravens, Mallards, etc.

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